题 目: Aggregation of Giant Cerium-Bismuth Tungstate Clusters into a 3D Porous Framework with High Proton Conductivity
作 者: Jian-Cai Liu, Qing Han, Li-Juan Chen, Jun-Wei Zhao,* Carsten Streb* and Yu-Fei Song*
刊 名: Angew. Chem. Int. Ed
年卷页: 2018, 57, 1-5
摘 要:The exploration of high nuclearity molecular metal oxide clusters and their reactivity is a great challenge for chemistry and materials science. Here, we report an unprecedented giant molecular cerium-bismuth tungstate superstructure formed by self-assembly from simple metal oxide precursors in aqueous solution. The compound, {[W14CeIV6O61]([W3Bi6CeIII3(H2O)3O14][B-α-BiW9O33]3)2}34- was identified by single crystal X-ray diffraction and features 104 metal centres, a relative molar mass of ~24,000 and is ca. 3.0 x 2.0 x 1.7 nm3 in size. The cluster anion is assembled around a central {Ce6}octahedron which is stabilized by several molecular metal oxide shells.Six trilacunary Keggin anions ([B-α-BiW9O33]9-) cap the superstructure and limit its growth. In the crystal lattice, water-filled channels with diameters of ca. 0.5 nm are observed, and electrochemical impedance spectroscopy shows pronounced proton conductivity even at low temperature. The study therefore opens new bottom-up design routes to functional metal oxide materials based on giant polyoxometalate building blocks.